
Importing Design Files and Overlays to DataHub


You can overlay different documents or design files onto your datasets in DataHub.  The following formats are supported as Overlays:

  • .dxf
  • .pdf
  • .jpeg / .jpg
  • .png
  • .tiff / .tif

Import Design File format (.dxf) files

At the left sidebar in DataHub, select the "more" mceclip2.png button next to the Design Files card.


The import box will appear.  Here you can drag and drop your files or browse your computer.  Select one file at a time; you can queue up as many .dxf files as you'd like and the app will handle it automatically.


DataHub will need to process the files into a displayable format.  It will show the % progress of the upload and then display information about its processing.



Once the file has completed processing, the file will be listed in the left sidebar where it can be selected for display in the 3D Map panel.



Make sure that the design files have a coordinate reference system consistent with the DataHub site's reference system to avoid having the imported design file placed in a different location.


Import Overlays in .JPG/ .PNG/ .PDF/ .TIF format

At the left sidebar in DataHub, select the "more" mceclip2.pngbutton next to the Overlays card.



The import box will appear.  Here you can drag and drop your files or browse your computer.  Select one file at a time; you can queue up as many overlay files as you'd like and the app will handle it automatically.



After the upload, the overlay files will now be available in the Overlays section and can be scaled, rotated, and moved according to preference.  The settings icon will let you configure the opacity of the selected overlay file.



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