
Overview and Basic Navigation

Overview and Basic Navigation


DataHub is a web-based application designed for the viewing and analysis of 3 - Dimensional data collected by drones and other remote sensing equipment.

In DataHub, users can view imagery, and perform measurements and analytics such as Point Picking, Line Measurements, Volume Measurements, Cut and Fill Analyses, and more.

The basic application layout is simple. There are three main areas for viewing and data interaction. 

  1. Left panel: contains controls for changing sites, changing the dataset within a site, changing the visibility of the imagery layers in the dataset, viewing and creating analytics, Reports, and Project Management.

  2. Bottom drawer: when working on an analytic, a sliding drawer is displayed at the bottom of the screen to display non-map information like volume calculation results and analytic - related information. 

  3. 3D map panel: displays all imagery and graphics.

The following sections of this user guide explain how to use the features of DataHub.

Change Organization

  1. Click the additional options menu mceclip2.png at the top right of the left panel to expose more options.

  1. Click the dropdown at the top left of the menu. It will display all your organizations. Scroll and select switch.  
  2. The sites list will now update to only show sites that belong to that organization.

Use the 3D Map Panel

  1. Map Controls
    • To center or reset the view to an overhead perspective of the site, double-click the center button of the map control at the top right of the 3D map panel (single-tap on touchscreen devices).  Screen_Recording_2023-03-21_at_06.47.03.69_PM.gif
    • Click and drag the center button to control tilt
    • Click and drag the outer ring to rotate the view
    • Click the + and - buttons to zoom in and out
    • Use the mouse or trackpad to pan, tilt, rotate, and zoom in the 3D map panel:
    • Pan view: Left click + drag
    • Zoom view: Right click + drag, or mouse wheel scroll
    • Rotate/Tilt view: Middle click + drag, or CTRL + Left/Right click + drag, or Shift + Left click + drag
  2. Base Map
    • To change the base map type displayed underneath the dataset: click the 3 dots button mceclip3.pngat the top right of the 3D map panel and select Base Map. The app will display four options: Satellite, Road, Topography, and None.
    • Choose one and select Submit. The base map tiles will update the selectionScreen_Recording_2023-03-21_at_06.54.50.93_PM.gif
  3. Quality
    • Adjust the render quality lower if you are on a less powerful PC. It won’t noticeably decrease the image quality, and it will help keep things faster and more stable in your browser. Set higher for more powerful PCs. 

Change Sites

1. Click the More button to the right of the Site name

2. In the list modal, select and click the site you want to load

3. The list modal will close and the app will display the chosen site

You can now view and analyze the imagery within that site. The most recent dataset for that site will be automatically displayed. 

Site Settings

Click the Site card to expand it. Click View to open Site Information.

  1. Time Zone
    • Set the time zone for the job site via the dropdown. Start typing to filter the available options.
    • Click Done to save, or click Cancel to discard your changes.
  2. Site Coordinate System
    • The site coordinate system is set to UTM by default. Clicking the dropdown will show WGS84, Geodetic (EPSG+Geoid), and Custom. Choose accordingly.
    • Choose Geodetic to enable the EPSG and Geoid fields. Both fields are filtered by the site's location so that options that do not cover the site are not displayed.
    • Choose Custom to add a custom localization file in .tp3 or .gc3 format.
    • When finished, click Done to set your configuration for the site. 
    • Once saved, all measurements (analytics) and units of measure update to conform to the selected coordinate system. 

Change Datasets (Dates)

1. The Dataset card in the left panel shows the date of the currently displayed dataset.

2. Click the card to expand and see more dates. Datasets are listed chronologically from newest to oldest. They are grouped by month. If there is more than one dataset in a single day, the timestamp is displayed.

3. Click a new date to load it. The Imagery card, Analytics card, and 3D map panel will all update according to that dataset.

4. Click the More button at the top right of the Dataset card to expose the list modal with additional options.

5. In the list modal, click the dataset you want to load

The list modal will close and the app will display the chosen dataset. You can now view and analyze the imagery for that dataset



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