
FAQ: How Do I Check My Base - Rover Coverage?

To check for base-rover coverage using the GNSS files extracted from your base station and drone, please follow these steps.



Note: For this guide, we will be using Windows OS.

1. Download RTKLIB. This is an open-source software designed to read, process, and interpret GNSS data. Alternatively, you can directly go to Click the green code button and download the files as zip.

2. Extract the zipped file into your desired computer directory. 

3. Go to the bin folder, find and open RTKCONV - or you can directly search for it in the file explorer search bar.

4. Make sure that you have already prepared your GNSS observation files. This is very important. It is expected that you'll have a .23o or .22o file (or any variant) from your base station. Your RTK-enabled drone should also give you .bin files. You will use these to extract the necessary observation files in a readable format for analysis. 

5. In the RTCM, RCV RAW, or RINEX OBS? field, find and input your base observation file. Copy the details as shown:

6. Similarly, do the above steps for the bin files:

7. Go to your designated output folder, find your converted .23o and bin file (should now be in .obs format). Open the file using any text editor. You can use Sublime.

8. Open your converted files, for instance, the base rinex file. It should look like this:

9. For the converted outputs of the bin files, the header portion should look like this:

10. The 2 lines above the "END OF HEADER" describes the "TIME OF FIRST OBS" and the "TIME OF LAST OBS" which are when you started your base and rover logging session/ mission and ended it. The time and date format shown is in YYYY MM DD HH MM SS format.

11. In this particular example, notice that the rover observation is within the base observation. Specifically, the base started at 13:51:34 and ended at 19:45:58 while the rover flight started at 17:17:01 and ended at 17:21:40.6. This is very important. 

12. Once the overlap is confirmed (it is strongly recommended that the base covers the rover duration completely), you may now upload the files into DataHub for processing. Partial coverage will result to a low PPK fix solution or even an SPP solution.

13. In the event that the base does not cover the rover or is shorter in observation time, you can extract another base log and redo steps 1 - 9.


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