
Inspecting your Dataset's PPK Information in DataHub

Inspecting your Dataset's PPK Information in DataHub


Did you know that you can check the health of your dataset's PPK solution according to the DataHub pipeline?  This article will help you navigate the file manager to get more information about your dataset's PPK Solution.


"Processing Inputs" Folder in the File Manager

The File Manager, found on the left sidebar of DataHub, has a folder labeled "Processing Inputs". This folder contains the files uploaded by the user for processing.






Go to the folder Processing inputs > rtk > intermediate.

This is where you will be able to access processing outputs from the PPK processing workflow.  The stats.json file contains a summary of the PPK values.




In the following example, the stats.json file shows the known base position entered by the uploader (in WGS84 Coordinates), the total number of geotags generated, and the number of geotags having the status of either "Fix", "Float", or "SPP":




A high geotags "Fix" corresponds to a better geolocation accuracy of the outputs. If a dataset is processed with a low amount of fixed geotags, an e-mail notification is sent to the uploader and the dataset is immediately investigated by the Skycatch team.


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