
Exporting Flight1/Flight1x Basemaps from DataHub

DataHub can now generate Digital Surface Models and Custom Basemaps fully compatible with the mission planning app Flight1 and Flight1x.  This article explains how you can access them.

What are Custom Basemaps?

Custo basemaps are reference maps that serve a specific purpose.  In Flight1/Flight1x, you may use custom basemaps for mission planning and execution, whether for enhanced visibility around terrain conditions for conventional 2D missions or for those requiring more complexity as with Highwall Scanning or Terrain Following flights.

Accessing the DataHub-generated Custom Basemaps

Every dataset uploaded and processed using DataHub will generate its own basemap files as part of the deliverables.  The files will be available in the File Manager or the Direct Download shortcut:


Custom Basemap via the File Manager


Custom Basemap via the Direct download in the lower right corner of DataHub



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