
FAQ: Why isn't the Satellite Map showing up in the background?

No Satellite Map in the Background


If your site is in a location that doesn't have satellite data from our satellite maps provider, you may notice a black background around your DataHub-processed orthophoto.  This is happening because the Ortho 2D map view consists of two layers: the primary background (satellite) layer and the Skycatch Tile layer.

The primary background layer is a satellite-captured map from our satellite maps provider.  When you've finished processing images from your flight, we superimpose the DataHub Tile layer on top of the satellite layer, which is georeferenced and positioned in its proper location.

Depending on where you are located, the satellite map information may be outdated or unavailable at certain resolutions which will cause the black background behind your processed map.  


Another possible cause is that you have the satellite background turned off, and a large space displays the color blue instead.

To confirm this, click on the three-dot menu on the right-hand side of the display and see which base map is selected:



You may change it to any of the following choices by selecting the base map option:




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