
Maintenance in SkyFleet


The Maintenance section allows the user to view existing Maintenance items which could apply to Drones, Batteries or Equipment items.

These Maintenances are executed every some given time and are linked to each Item, if the maintenance is not performed properly then there is a warning icon next to the drone, battery or equipment with a brief maintenance warning description.

Perform an existing maintenance

1. Navigate to Maintenance

2. Click on Perform for an existing record

3. Fill in the Perform Maintenance form

4. Click on Save

5. Maintenance execution is registered under the item it was linked to, in this example it was the Equipment/Payload/P1 GDL. The same scenario should be for other Maintenance items.

View an existing maintenance

1. Navigate to Maintenances

2. Click on View for an existing record

3. Maintenance details are displayed

Edit an existing maintenance for Administrator and Manager Accounts

1. Navigate to Maintenances

2. Click on Edit for an existing record

3. Edit all necessary fields, then click Save

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