
Certificates in SkyFleet

The Certificates section serves as a centralized hub for managing all certificates associated with pilots. These certificates are presented in a structured list format, with the most critical details prominently displayed as columns for ease of reference and organization. To initiate the process of creating certificates for pilots, users are required to first establish a certificate type, as this serves as a prerequisite for certificate creation. Once the necessary certificate type has been defined, users can proceed to generate individual certificates for each pilot. It is important to note that pilots have limited access to this section and are only permitted to view their own certificate data, ensuring privacy and compliance with data security standards.


Viewing Certificates in SkyFleet (Admins and Users/Pilots)

Navigate to the Certificates section in SkyFleet. It will open into a dropdown of two sub-sections - Catalog and Types.


Certificate Types 

Click on Types under Certificates to display all the existing Certificate Types. Click on View to see content of different Certificates.


Admin Screen

User Screen


Certificate Catalog (Admin and Users)

1. To create a new certificate, navigate to Certificates and click on the + icon next to Catalog.

2. Fill in the required information shown and click Save once done. A new entry will be created showing some of the values entered by the user.

3. To view an existing certificate, navigate to the Catalog section and click View

4. (Admins Only) To edit an existing certificate, navigate to the Catalog section and click Edit.

5. Fill in or change any information on any of the fields. Click Save when done and the edited values will be reflected in the Catalog.


6. (Admins Only) Delete existing certificates by going to the Catalog and clicking Delete. A pop-up warning will appear on the screen. Clicking Yes, delete will permanently remove the selected certificate.


Note: Only Admins can Edit and Delete entries in the Catalog and Types subsection of Certificates.

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