
Batteries in SkyFleet

Batteries Overview

The Batteries section allows pilots to view all their registered battery details.

Depending on your role, it will allow you to view, add, or edit the batteries at your convenience.

The batteries section is divided into two sections:

Batteries Types:  Repository of individual battery commercial names used for your drone models. You can view (All users) and Create, Edit, and Delete battery types. (Administrators and Managers)

Batteries Catalog: Repository catalog of all drone batteries within your organization. You can view (All users) Create, Edit, and Delete batteries in your catalog. (Administrators and Managers)

 Battery Types

View an existing Battery Type
(All users)

  1. Go to the Batteries Section and click Types under Batteries

  1. Click on View for any existing record

  1. Battery Type details are displayed


 Battery Catalogs

View an existing Battery Unit
(All users)

  1. Go to the Batteries Section and click Catalog under Batteries

  1. Click on View for any existing record

  1. Battery unit details are displayed


Modifying Battery Types and Catalogs

(For Administrators and Managers Only)
Organization admins can add, edit and, remove battery Types and Catalog entries. 


Adding Battery Types and Catalogs

1. Hover and click the Battery section in SkyFleet, this will expose the Catalog and Type subsection. 

2. Admins can fill in and add new battery types by simply clicking the blue plus button, a new page will be displayed asking for some important information. Clicking Save will add the new battery type as the topmost entry on the SkyFleet Batteries page.

3. Admins can also add new battery catalogs by clicking the blue plus button next to the Catalog sub-section. A new page will be displayed where admins can input the required information. Clicking Save will add the new battery type as the top-most entry on the SkyFleet Batteries page as well.


Deleting Battery Types and Catalogs

1. Admins can delete battery types by clicking on the Type sub-section and, selecting a Type entry, and clicking Delete.

2. As a security measure, a prompt will ask for Deletion confirmation. Click Yes, delete if confirmed.

3. Admins can also delete battery catalogs by clicking on the Catalog sub-section and, selecting a Catalog entry, and clicking Delete. The same prompt will be triggered asking for confirmation on the deletion.


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