This section allows the user to see the flight data for each flight performed using the SkyFlight Mobile app in SkyFleet. There is a list of all the flights performed chronologically with the most important fields displayed on a new screen including a mission map view per Pilot.
Note: Pilots are not able to view other Pilot's flight data.
Flight List
- Navigate to Flights section
Display Flight mission details for specific flights
1. Navigate to Flights
2. Click on View for a specific flight. You can also query flights by Drone, Site, Pilot, Take-off Time, and Landing Time.
3. The most important Flight details are displayed including a flight mission route in a map view box.
Importing Flight Logs
1. In the Flights section, click on Upload Log to import a flight log
2. Upload the drone logs by dragging and dropping or by navigating your files to select the desired drone logs.
3. Click in Import. A notice will appear on the lower leftmost corner once the logs are successfully imported.
4. The imported flight logs will appear on the flights list. Click on View to display the flight details.
For more information, please see:
Flight Incidents and Weather Information
1. Navigate to the Flight you wish to check weather data or add an incident.
2. In the bottom of the flight details you will be able to see the weather data recorded for the Flight both during landing and take-off.
3. If you wish to add an incident to a flight, click on Create New. Add all the required information for the incident you wish to report. Hit Save once done. The incident will be saved for the Flight.
For more information, please see: