
Users in SkyFleet

The Users section allows the user to view key information about a user, including their name, email, country, status, role, and flight time. User roles are divided into three permission levels:

  • Administrator: User role with full administrative permissions across the organization, allowing complete control over all aspects
  • Manager: this role has read, write, update, and delete permissions for tasks such as creating checklists, scheduling maintenance items, managing drone types, and exporting pilot flight logbooks.
  • Pilot: this role has restricted access, including the ability to manage pilot certificates, perform maintenance tasks, and view checklists and drone types, but with no administrative or deletion capabilities. Pilots are not allowed to view other users' information.

Add a User for Manager and Administrator Accounts

  1. To add a user, click on the + sign beside the Users tab on the side toolbar
  2. Enter the email or list of emails you wish to invite
  3. Select a role from Administrator, Manager, and Pilot that will be assigned to the users invited
  4. Click on Send Invitations
  5. The Email, Role, and Status of User invitations will appear on the List of Invited Users.

View user details (Admins, Managers, and Pilots)

  1. Navigate and click Users.
  2. Click View to check user information. Another page will open displaying user details. 

Edit SkyFleet Users (Admin and Managers)

  1. Navigate and click Users.
  2. Click on Edit. 
  3. Edit Name, Email or, Country as needed



  4. Click on Save.
  5. The edited user information is reflected in the Users list.


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