
FAQ: How Do I Export My Baselogs Directly From Edge1?

Users on Edge1 v.4.1.0+ releases can export base logs directly from their Edge1 unit in 3 easy steps. 

1. Insert an SD card or USB drive into your Edge1.

2. Go to the "Base Station" tab in the Edge1 app and click on the button to Export Base LogsThis will present a list of logs that are available to export.


3. Select the storage drive where you would like the base logs to be stored. Toggle on each log you want to export and tap the “Export” button.


4. Once your logs have completed export, remove your storage device and connect it to your computer to access the exported base logs files. A folder will be created in the storage drive called “base_logs” unless one already exists.

There will be a folder for each base log named after the timestamp of the log. Each folder contains an observation file (.obs) and a text file with the base antenna position. The text file also includes instructions on how to upload the Edge1 base log (.obs) and base antenna position for cloud processing at



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