
FAQ: How to Export Controls Points from Topcon 3D Office?

Note: This workflow requires high attention to detail when following the instructions. Any deviation from the steps may result in the incorrect creation of the localization file. For any questions please contact support@skycatch or your Customer Success representative.  


  1. Create a New Project
  2. Go to Project > Export control points > To text file...
  3. Select New format...
  4. Name the format “Skycatch”, with extension “CSV”
  5. Under the Line Item tab, add the following line items:
  6. Point name
  7. Point northing
  8. Point easting
  9. Point elevation
  10. Point WGS84 latitude
  11. Point WGS84 longitude
  12. Point WGS84 height.  Make sure to disable trailing comma by selecting Append > Nothing.
  13. The line items tab should look like this:
  14. Switch to Export rules tab and click Add…
  15. Under Rule, select “Add line as header” with the following value:

NOTE: The unit of measure should be listed in the header following these formats:

meters:  “name,n(m),e(m),z(m),lat(dms),lon(dms),alt(m)"
us-ft: “name,n(us-ft),e(us-ft),z(us-ft),lat(dms),lon(dms),alt(us-ft)”
ft: “name,n(ft),e(ft),z(ft),lat(dms),lon(dms),alt(ft)”


16.  Select “Skycatch” as export format and click Next >

17. Choose file destination and click Finish to export file:


Note: Your final localization.csv file should include control points that apply BOTH vertical and horizontal localization. Please exclude any control points that do not apply both.


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