
FAQ: How To Export Control Points From Trimble Business Center?


  1. From the Trimble Business Center Home tab, click on the Export button
  2. Choose the Export format that you’d like to use, including the unit of measure in the header. Use one of the following formats:

    meters:  “name,n(m),e(m),z(m),lat(dms),lon(dms),alt(m)"
    us-ft: “name,n(us-ft),e(us-ft),z(us-ft),lat(dms),lon(dms),alt(us-ft)”
    ft: “name,n(ft),e(ft),z(ft),lat(dms),lon(dms),alt(ft)”

  3. To select a range of points, click on Options: Select Points
  4. Under the Point ID field, enter: your first point “…” and then your last point (ex: 700…730)
  5. Click OK
  6. You will now see that your export points are selected
  7. Choose the location where your file will be saved (by clicking the “…” button next to the File Name field)
  8. Click Export


For more detailed instructions please contact Trimble support directly.

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