
FAQ: SkyFlight Integration: Accounts and Organizations

SkyFlight Integration: Ensuring Your RC is Connected and Synced with the Correct SkyFleet Organization


How can I confirm that my RC is connected and syncing with the correct SkyFleet organization?

In SkyFlight, users can select their SkyFleet organization through the menu. This is particularly important for pilots who may belong to multiple organizations, such as DSPs, contractors, or other entities. Ensuring the correct organization is selected is essential for proper integration.


If I log into my SkyFlight account, will SkyFleet automatically appear?

Yes, but this depends on the user's organization membership:

  • Single Organization Membership: If the user is a member of only one SkyFleet organization, the system will default to that organization automatically. No additional steps are required.
  • Multiple Organization Memberships: If the user is part of multiple organizations, they must manually select the appropriate organization in the menu to ensure proper synchronization.

What happens if I use an account that is not linked to a SkyFleet organization?

If a user’s account is not linked to an SkyFleet organization, but their organization requires SkyFleet for compliance purposes, they will be unable to access the application. This restriction is intentional, as it ensures pilots cannot bypass the compliance management platform. Users in this situation will need to be properly set up within the SkyFleet system before they can proceed.

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