
Incidents in SkyFleet


How to create an Incident?

1. To report an incident, select the blue ⊕ button next to Incidents on the left-hand navigation bar.

2. The Incident creation form will appear with several required fields to fill in.

3. Click on the Flight field to select the mission where the incident occurred. The Flight field will show a dropdown list of several flights. 

Important details such as the Drone used, Pilot name, Drone type, and Site will be shown below.

4. Make sure to select the correct Date of the Incident and fill in the date field below:


The Status can be set to New, Under Investigation, and Closed to identify the Incident investigation progress:

The Status can be set depending on the purpose of the report - if it is a new one, a retroactive documentation, or one for the records. The status can be updated from New > Under Investigation > Closed once completed.


5. Indicate the damage the aircraft has sustained, if any.

  • None - No damage
  • Minor - Broken propellers or scratches
  • Major - Damage that requires repairs or replacement
  • Out of Service - The drone is inoperable

6. Fill in the descriptive fields: Incident Cause, Summary, and Description

  • Incident cause - identify the issue which may have caused the crash/incident. A weather report is attached to the Flight Report
  • Summary - A more narrative view of the mission workflow during the incident
  • Description - Additional details that might be relevant to the investigation

7. Provide attachments (Photos):

You can add images of the aircraft, the damage, and the location of the crash site. The images can be captioned. These photos will be attached to the generated incident report for viewing. 


Sample Incident Report



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