This article introduces Support Center - a centralized hub for information about Skycatch products or features. You may find instruction manuals, product descriptions, and new feature announcements while browsing our catalog. If you have a question, you may get help through one or both of the following methods:
Skycatch Support Center
Browse or search for answers to questions, watch instructional videos, review how-to guides, or check out FAQs in our support center. If you have a specific question in mind, you can click on the search bar and type in a few keywords to generate resulting articles.
Please see FAQ: What Is The Skycatch Support Center And How Do I Login? to get a step-by-step guide on how to navigate and explore the Support Center.
Submit an Issue or a Question
You can either click on "submit a request" in the upper right-hand corner of your screen or email us at
You can review or respond to any issues or questions you have submitted by creating a Skycatch support account. For instructions on how to submit a request, please visit Managing Support Requests Via The Support Center.
Send Us a Message
You may send us a message using the messaging feature in your browser.
To do this, sign in to DataHub, on the upper left portion, and click , your account information card will be displayed. Choose between Email Support or Open Support Chat.
You may also use the Flight1 app. You can tap the settings icon and tap "Talk with a Skycatch member."
Explore1 Incidents
In the event of a crash or other incidents with your Explore1, please contact your local emergency services if there are any critical injuries or damages that need to be addressed immediately.
If there are no critical matters to handle, please quarantine the Explore1 and its battery, then email us at for the next steps.
A Skycatch support agent will send a link to an Initial Incident Report form for you to complete. The form requests that you supply all the information and describe in detail the crash incident.
The agent will also request the following files:
1. Explore1 Logs (DAT files)
2. Mission folder if it was part of an automated mapping mission (photos, ex1.log, .sz, and .ubx files)
3. Photos of the incident site and of the drone damage