One of the files available for download after DataHub's processing is Orthophoto.tif. It is a raster file that has been orthorectified and contains embedded geo-information.
In some applications, simply having an orthophoto does not suffice. Sometimes, additional files such as the .tfw file may be needed. A TFW file is a simple world file containing the geographic information of a raster dataset.
DataHub currently does not natively generate a TFW file but there are workarounds. In this tutorial, we will be using QGIS to create a .TFW file from an orthophoto generated by DataHub.
1. Download the orthophoto.tif from DataHub.
2. Open QGIS and add your raster layer ((orthophoto.tif) by dragging and dropping the file or by going to Layer Tab > Add Layer > Add Raster Layer.
3. Click the Raster Tab in the Menu Bar and select Conversion > Translate (Convert Format).
4. The Translate window will appear. Select the layer that you would like to convert to a .tfw file.
5. Scroll down to Advanced Parameters and in the Additional command-line parameters type in:
-co tfw=yes
It will be automatically added to the GDAL/OGR console call.
6. Choose where to save your converted file and click on the button at the lower right corner of the window. The new .tif file will be available in your selected output folder together with your generated .tfw file.
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