
FAQ: Can I Process A Dataset Using Edge1 While Logging GNSS Observations?

The Edge1 is a powerful equipment to use in the field for logging GNSS observations, streaming RTK corrections and processing photogrammetry datasets.

However, the best practice for GNSS logging is to avoid performing any type of processing to prevent potential internal EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) that can interfere with the logging quality.


Best Practices to Prevent EMI

The Edge1 is in IDLE MODE or the status LED is solid blue.

  • USB / micro SD drives can be used to import /export Data to Edge1 
  • USB /micro SD drives can remain inserted
  • Edge1 can process photogrammetry


Before GNSS logging or prior to the flashing blue LED

  • Any USB /micro SD drives should be removed from the Edge1
  • Any processing jobs must be terminated or no processing jobs should be started


Before RTK streaming or prior to the flashing green LED

  • Any USB/ micro SD drives should be removed from the Edge1
  • Any processing jobs must be terminated or no processing jobs should be started


EMI Effects on Base Logs

The baselog satellite readings will present cycle slips which means a constant discontinuity or loss of a tracked GNSS signal.

In order to know if your base logs contain any issues, as a sanity check, you can inspect the presence of cycle slips in your .obs RINEX files using any open source plotting tool. We recommend using rtkplot. 


If you have further question, feel free to e-mail us to .



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