
FAQ: Where Should I Set-Up My Edge1 For Optimal Performance?

Best Position for an Edge1 Unit

Edge1, or base stations in general, should be mounted at a stable location to make sure that no potential measurement error is met during your mission. This article should help you decide where to position your unit and factor in some considerations in using an Edge1 unit to acquire accurate data on your missions.


Elevation Mask Angle

Check your mask angle.

Noise from the atmosphere may affect the quality of corrections received by a base station. An elevation mask - normally set by default in most base stations - is used to ignore low-lying constellations which are among the causes of signal noise during GNSS observation.

For Edge1, the mask angle is set by default. 


Multipath Mitigation

Avoid highly reflective surfaces when setting up your base station.

Multipath is a common source of error in GNSS. 

On the user's side, one can mitigate multipath by making sure that the Edge1 unit or any base station is set up away from any reflective surfaces. This means that your Edge1 unit should be placed in a somewhat open area with no reflective obstruction. 


Electromagnetic Interference

Avoid setting up near powerlines, metallic structures, and large electromotive

A base station is an electronic device. This means that interference from outside sources may affect the quality of signals it receives. Avoid placing your Edge1 units near structures that may cause EMI. This includes power lines, large metallic structures, etc. 




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