
FAQ: What open-source software can I use to view Skycatch-generated outputs?

FAQ: What open-source software can I use to view Skycatch-generated outputs?

  • Skycatch-generated outputs consist of the following:
    • TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)
    • Pointcloud ( .las or .laz)
    • 3DMesh (.obj)

QGIS (Quantum GIS)


  • QGIS is a free and open-source GIS software that can be used to view, edit and analyze geospatial data such as raster and vector files.
  • To open a raster file in QGIS, follow the steps below
    • Open QGIS.
    • On the Menu bar, click Add layer then select Add Raster Layer (CTRL + Shift + R on Windows)
    • In the "Add Raster Layer" dialog box, click the "Browse" button next to the "File Name" field.
    • Navigate to the raster file you want to open, select it, and click "Open".
    • Click "OK" in the "Add Raster Layer" dialog box to add the raster to the QGIS map canvas.




  • CloudCompare is a free, and open-source software that can compare, view, and analyze point clouds and meshes. 
  • To load your data into CloudCompare, 
    • Open CloudCompare.
    • Click on the "File" menu and select "Open".
    • In the "Open" dialog box, navigate to the location of the point cloud or mesh file you want to load, select it, and click "Open".


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